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Labels and Colors

Whenever I hear the word “politics,” I would usually imagine something boring amid all the chaos. Maybe just like an uncolored coloring book.

However, similar to the patterns in adult coloring books, it is obvious that politics is much more intricate and complicated.

The 2016 Presidential election changed my perception about Philippine politics. It definitely wasn’t an untouched coloring book.

With all the talks and gossips even right before the election, not only me, but also most of the Filipino people got hooked on the then upcoming national elections as if another kind of telenovola.

This was pretty obvious when my Facebook news feed and Twitter feed got bombarded with memes, opinions, and hashtags regarding the Presidential election.

Beyond all this however, happened division of the Filipino people by color. This time, it is not about race nor skin color, but political colors and labels.

Never in my life have I imagined that the color yellow would anger people. At the same time, I never thought that so much terms related to politics would be coined this year-- yellowtard, Dutertard, minion, ka-DDS and presstitute are just some of the labels supporters of contrasting parties use to insult each other.

Usually, labels make things easier by categorizing things. Organizing things via colors is one effective way of categorizing. I myself use different colors of highlighter to put my thoughts in order when studying.

However, labels only apply to things, not people; not every thing should have labels. Because people use labels and sometimes shop for labels. Let it remain that way.

Accusing pro-Dutertes “Dutertard,” and labeling anti-Marcoses as “yellowtard” would make them red with anger and labeling Martial Law victims the same would leave them feeling blue.

Loyalty for a color sounds absurd. Our loyalty should lie with the nation, not for mere colors that kids in kindergarten are trying to learn.

Political biases are unavoidable but if it would cause dysfunction as a member of a nation, it would be a bad thing.

This time, we do not need division nor individuality; working As one big entity is what our nation needs now.

Remember that before we were labeled as something, we were first Filipinos and above all that, we are all human.

Perhaps the only colors important in our current state are red, blue, yellow and white while the only label that must stand is “Pinoy.”

After all, not many would favor one color but most would definitely stop and admire a rainbow.

Cheers to the colorful person reading this.

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